Cards And Drawings

Hand-painted Christmas and birthday cards were a special treat in our family, a source of humour and joy, but underneath the light hearted flick of paint on folded watercolour paper was a deeper message of love and affection towards his family. It was always there but somehow at the time, with the excitement of a new topical cartoon drawing and the casual throwaway attitude he had to delivering these “bits of fun”, it was very subtle.

The quantity of cards he produced is impressive. First for his dear wife Ella, when they were young and recently married, then for his parents as they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and other important milestones, and more recently regular cards for each of his five grandchildren, Lindsay (born UK 1978), Katy (born UK 1981),Loren (born USA 1980), Sarah (born USA 1981) and Simon (born USA 1983).

There were also numerous drawings and sketches, often completed on special request so we could watch him draw. The Christmas fairies are particularly charming, homemade wall decorations. The full collection is shown in the following gallery and they reflect the events and interests of the family at the time.


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